We want to turn the industry upside down.

At the Lyceum we respect the work of trainers, physical therapists, coaches, and other medical professionals. To us, this is not a simple abstraction or slogan. We believe the practitioner should be making the vast bulk of what business they’re doing. This is a sharp change from our corporate competitors who take between 45%-80% of the money brought in. We believe that is unjust, given that the practitioners are responsible for everything surrounding their patient or client, excluding the management of the physical location.
We want to be proud of the deal we’re doing with the trainers, such that we aren’t afraid of members knowing what those deals are. Other gyms are not so forthcoming.

The deal.

We offer a no non-compete, no minimum or maximum hours, flat hourly rate to the trainers. You pay a small fee for the hour and keep the rest. Your clients do not have to purchase a membership if they are just coming to train with you. Access is 24/7 and the equipment is designed around the common needs of most trainers.

It is designed to be simple. No more complicated commission tiers, with sales stipulations, bonuses that come and go, shifting percentages, “administration fees”, etc. We decided to dispense with all of that to provide a simple plan that ensures you make what you train.

The flat rate design simplifies the management of the client base and doesn’t begin to cost you, the trainer, more as your skills, experience, and education develop and you start to charge more. Commission based systems tend to cost the best trainers the most, which undermines the value brought to a club.